Science & medicine (70 pages found in this category)


Medical condition caused by invisible elves or witches shooting invisible arrows at people or animals.

English Setter

Medium-size breed of dog which, according to the breed standard, should ideally have an elegant appearance.


Redirected to phenakistoscope.

Fantasia Mathematica

Anthology of stories, humour, poems, etc. on mathematical topics, published in 1958.

Fasting spittle

Saliva produced first thing in the morning, before breakfast, used to treat a wide variety of diseases for many hundreds of years.

Forest acre

Redirected to Cheshire acre.

Great Recoinage of 1696

Attempt by the English government under William III to replace the hammered silver coins that made up most of the coinage then in circulation with coins with milled edges, to prevent clipping.

Grey Man

Redirected to Brocken spectre.

Greyfriars Bobby

Skye Terrier who supposedly spent fourteen years guarding the grave of his owner in 19th-century Edinburgh, until his own death on 14 January 1872.

Hortus Sanitatis

First natural history encyclopedia, published by Jacob Meydenbach in Mainz, Germany in 1491.