Inventors (1565 pages found in this category)


Pebble pierced by a naturally occurring hole, believed to possess magical properties.

Haigh Foundry

Ironworks and foundry in Haigh near Wigan that was notable for the manufacture of steam engines.

Haigh Hall

Historic country house in Haigh, near Wigan in Greater Manchester England.

Halifax Gibbet

Early guillotine, or decapitating machine, used in the town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. It was probably installed during the 16th century as an alternative to beheading by axe or sword.

Halkett boat

Type of lightweight inflatable craft designed by Lt Peter Halkett (1820–1885) during the 1840s. When deflated, the hull can be used as a cloak, the oar as a walking stick, and the sail as an umbrella.

Hamlet (place)

Rural settlement smaller than a village.

Hammersmith Ghost

Early 19th-century hoax that reinforced the standard white-sheeted ghost look, and set a legal precedent for self-defence.

Hanged, drawn and quartered

Statutory penalty in England from 1352 for men convicted of high treason.

Hanging Bridge

Medieval structure spanning the Hanging Ditch, which connected the rivers Irk and Irwell in Manchester, England, part of the city's medieval defences.


British comic theatrical genre developed in England between the 17th and mid-19th centuries.