Literature (186 pages found in this category)

A Bardlet’s Romance

Redirected to "In the Modern Vein".

A Catastrophe

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1895 about a struggling shopkeeper saved from bankruptcy by an unexpected legacy.

A Christmas Carol

Novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech.

A Deal in Ostriches

Short story by H. G. Wells, published in 1894. A confidence trick involving an ostrich that allegedly swallowed a diamond displays the extent of human greed.

A Dream of Armageddon

Anti-war short story by H. G. Wells published in 1901.

A Neighbour’s Landmark

Ghost story by M. R. James published in 1925, about the disappearance of a woman who steals her neighbour's property by removing a cursed landmark.

A Pantoum in Prose

Redirected to "The Man Who Could Work Miracles".

A School Story

Ghost story by M. R. James, first published in 1911, about the mysterious disappearance of a school teacher.

A Slip Under the Microscope

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1896, about the ethical dilemma faced by a student who inadvertently cheats during his botany exam.

A Thin Ghost and Others

Collection of five short stories by the English medievalist and author M. R. James, first published in 1919.