Newspapers (15 pages found in this category)


Early form of newspaper published in England from the 1620s until the 1630s.

Crewe Chronicle

UK weekly newspaper first published on 21 March 1874.

Derby Trader

UK’s first free newspaper, founded in 1966 by Lionel Pickering and Tony Mather, who became its first editor.

Grub Street Journal

Weekly satirical newspaper published from 1730 until 1737.

Manchester City News

Weekly local newspaper; the first edition went on sale on 2 January 1864, priced at one penny. The newspaper focused largely on commercial and local issues such as meetings of the town council and proceedings in the law courts, but it also included some more general news and book reviews.

Manchester Courier

Daily newspaper founded in Manchester, England by Thomas Sowler; the first edition was published on 1 January 1825.

Manchester Examiner

Local newspaper based in Manchester, England, published from 1845 until 1894 to promote the idea of Manchester Liberalism.

Manchester Times

Weekly newspaper published in Manchester, England, from 1828 to 1922, known for its free-trade radicalism.

The Daily Courant

First British daily newspaper, first published on 11 March 1702.

The Graphic

British weekly illustrated newspaper published from 1869 to 1932.