Food & drink (17 pages found in this category)

Mary Eales

18th-century writer on cookery and confectionery, author of Mrs Mary Eales's Receipts (1718)


Drink made from milk curdled by the addition of an acidic liquid such as wine or ale, which evolved into an early form of trifle.

Rag pudding

Savoury dish once popular in the mill towns of northwest England.

Red Windsor (cheese)

Pale cream English cheddar-style cheese made from pasteurised cow's milk marbled with a blend of port and brandy.

Rhubarb Triangle

Forced rhubarb growing area in West Yorkshire, England between Wakefield, Morley and Rothwell.

Salade niçoise

Salad that originated in the French city of Nice, traditionally made of tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, Niçoise olives and anchovies, dressed with olive oil.

Salford Tart

Redirected to Manchester tart.