Paintings (48 pages found in this category)

Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (painting)

Oil on canvas portrait of Lady Agnew by John Singer Sargent completed during 1892. Commissioned by her husband Sir Andrew Noel Agnew, 9th Baronet.

Manchester Madonna

Unfinished tempera on panel painting by Michelangelo.


Oil painting by John William Waterhouse

Mrs Richard Brinsley Sheridan (painting)

Oil on canvas portrait by the English artist Thomas Gainsborough, a close friend of the Linleys


Series of three paintings by John William Waterhouse, reflecting his interpretation of Ophelia, a character from Shakespeare's Hamlet

Penelope and the Suitors

Oil on canvas painting by the English artist John William Waterhouse, commissioned by the Aberdeen Art Gallery and completed in 1912.

Preparing for a Fancy Dress Ball

Oil on canvas painting by the English artist William Etty, first exhibited in 1853.

Priestess of Delphi (painting)

Oil painting by John Collier (1850–1934), depicting a priestess at the Oracle of Delphi.

Sleep and his Half-Brother Death

Oil on canvas painting completed by John William Waterhouse in 1874


Term applied to any paint in which the pigment is dissolved in water and mixed with an organic gum or glue.