Society (304 pages found in this category)

Bloody Code

The Bloody Code is a name given to the system of crimes and punishments in force in England during the 18th and early 19th centuries that resulted in the death penalty for offences that would today be considered minor.


Redirected to Bluestocking Circle.

Bluestocking Circle

Group formed around a number of wealthy and influential English women during the mid-18th century, to debate literature and the arts, and support female education and writing.

Board schools

Schools set up in England and Wales following the passing of the 1870 Education Act, providing state-funded education for five to ten-year-olds.

Boulton and Park

Thomas Ernest Boulton and Frederick William Park were two Victorian cross-dressers. In 1870, while in drag, they were arrested after leaving a London theatre. They were charged with conspiracy to commit sodomy, a crime that carried a maximum prison sentence of life with hard labour.


Redirected to scold's bridle.

Brick tax

Tax on bricks introduced in Great Britain in 1784 to help pay for the American War of Independence.

British schools

Establishments offering education to the children of Nonconformist parents, initially run by a single teacher using the monitorial system.

Bubble Act 1720

An Act of the Parliament of Great Britain to prohibit the formation of new joint-stock companies unless approved by royal charter.

Burial Act 1852

Act of parliament to prohibit burials in the metropolis of London.