Arts (138 pages found in this category)

Hermia and Lysander

Watercolour painting created in 1870 by the English illustrator and miniature portrait painter John Simmons.

Hey Diddle Diddle

Best-known nonsense verse in the English language, which gave rise to the phrase "over the moon".

Hickory Dickory Dock

English nursery rhyme the earliest known version of which appears in 1784, probably a counting rhyme.

How They Met Themselves

Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in which a couple in medieval costume are confronted by their doubles.

Humpty Dumpty

One of the best-known English nursery rhymes, about an egg, and almost certainly intended as a riddle.

Hush-a-bye Baby

Perhaps the best-known English lullaby, the earliest known version of which was published in about 1765.

Hylas and the Nymphs

Hylas and the Nymphs is a painting by the English artist John William Waterhouse, exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in 1897. It shows the Greek hero Hylas being enticed to his death into a pool of water by a group of nymphs.

Isabella Waterhouse

English portrait painter; mother of John William Waterhouse

J. S. Grimaldi

English stage actor, comedian, clown and dancer.

Jack and Jill

English nursery rhyme, the earliest known version of which was published in about 1765.