Education Act 1496

Act of the Scottish Parliament to make education mandatory for the eldest sons of barons and freeholders.

Act of Six Articles 1539

Act of Parliament introduced to curb excessive Protestant reform and to impose religious conformity.


Redirected to Act of Uniformity 1558.

Chiltern Hundreds

Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds is a procedural device allowing members of parliament to resign before a general election.

Crewe’s Act 1782

Act of Parliament to disenfranchise all government officials involved in the collection or management of statutory duties.


System of joint suretyship common in England throughout the Early and High Middle Ages.


English historic legal and administrative unit comprising the men of ten neighbouring households, held responsible for the actions for any one of its members.

Ordinance of Labourers 1349

Largely ineffective royal proclamation intended to address the acute labour shortage in the wake of the Black Death.