Side view across the graveyard
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The Church of St Laurence is an active Anglican church in the diocese of Bath and Wells, in Somerset. The Grade I listed buildingStructure of particular architectural and/or historic interest deserving of special protection. dates from the 13th century, with some rebuilding work carried out during the 15th century.[1] The church was dedicated to St Laurence on 10 August 1352,[2] and is surrounded by a circular churchyard which predates the building.[3]

By the 19th century the church was in a bad state of repair. During the subsequent extensive restoration work, a memorial stone commemorating earlier repairs carried out following the Great Storm of 1703 was discovered.[2]

Architecture and contents

See caption
Interior looking west, showing the screen separating the narthexVestibule before the main entrance to a Christian church, less sacred than the church proper. from the nave.
The Church of England

The church is constructed using carboniferous limestone,[4] and has a naveCentral part of a church, used by the laiety., chancelPart of a church containing the altar, used by the officiating clergy., north aisle, north and south transeptsPart of a Christian church crossing the area between the nave and the chancel, forming a characteristic cruciform shape. and a south porch. The three-stage west tower is supported by diagonal buttresses,[5] and houses six bells.[6]

The interior includes a 15th-century roodScreen separating the chancel from the nave, typically in late medieval Christion churches. and parclose screens, and a stone pulpit at the remains of the rood stair; the baptismal font is Norman. The pews and other woodwork were all renewed in the 19th century.[5] A silver-gilt chalice from 1573, owned by the church, is kept in a bank vault. A 15th-century altar frontal of irises on Italian brocade is now preserved in a glass case.[2]



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