We are experienced former Wikipedia editors who have created this site in the belief that it was time for a new approach to building an online encyclopedia than that which Wikipedia has to offer.

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Contrary to what some may believe, Wikipedia has no mechanism for checking or maintaining the accuracy of the information it contains, allowing falsehoods, hoaxes and libels to exist on the site for years, a situation compounded by a lack of accountability for anything published. The wiki model of collaboration was clearly a success in quickly starting an online encyclopedia, but is equally clearly inappropriate for developing a reliable one.

Almost twenty per cent of our content has no equivalent on Wikipedia, and of the rest, much of which we wrote ourselves before Wikipedia’s inevitable gray goo engulfed it, has all been improved in terms of accuracy, sourcing and general readability.

What we are not

Engole is not a Wikipedia mirror. We do not, and never will, include articles on the biographies of living persons for instance. So you won’t find an article on Nigella Lawson if you’re searching for a list of “english cooks”, but you will find articles on Elizabeth Raffald18th-century English entrepreneur, author of The Experienced English Housekeeper, and possible inventor of the Eccles cake. , Martha Bradley18th-century English cook, author of The British Housewife. and Mary Eales18th-century writer on cookery and confectionery, author of Mrs Mary Eales's Receipts (1718). Neither will you find stub articles on Japanese railway stations. And it’s worth noting that of Wikipedia’s 6.8 million articles, 37 per cent are just make-work “List of …” pages, which we have no need of, owing to our use of a more intelligent search engine.

We do not have the hubris to claim that we will ever be a repository of all human knowledge, an impossible goal. Our aim is to provide reliable information on those topics that we do cover, fully supported by good quality references to source material that provides the reader with opportunities for further research. And unlike Wikipedia we use a consistent, centralised citation system, and continuously monitor for link rot, so any broken links are quickly updated.

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