Balding man in glasses

Stephen PotterEnglish writer (1900–1969) best known for his parodies of self-help books. He is remembered particularly for popularising gamemanship, the art of using dubious although not illegal tactics to gain an advantage. (1 February 1900 – 2 December 1969) was an English writer best known for his parodies of self-help books, and their film and television derivatives, and in particular for his popularisation of “gamesmanship”, the art of winning without actually cheating.[1]

Works are listed in order of their date of first publication.

  • The Young Man (1929)
  • D.H. Lawrence: A First Study (1930)
  • Minnow Among Tritons (1934)
  • Coleridge and S.T.C. (1935)
  • The Muse in Chains (1937)
  • The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship: Or the Art of Winning Games Without Actually Cheating (1947)
  • Lifemanship: With a Summary of Recent Researches in Gamesmanship (1950)
  • One-Upmanship: Being Some Account of the Activities and Teachings of the Lifemanship Correspondence College of One-Upness and Games Lifemastery (1952)
  • The Sense of Humour (1954)
  • Christmas-ship; or, The Art of Giving and Receiving (1956)
  • Potter on America (1956)
  • Supermanship, or, How to Continue to Stay Top without Actually Falling Apart (1958)
  • Steps to Immaturity: An Autobiography (1959)
  • The Magic Number (1959)
  • Anti-Woo: The Lifeman’s Improved Primer for Non-Lovers (1965)
  • Squawky, the One-up Parrot (1965)
  • The Complete Golf Gamesmanship (1968)

