Law & taxation (67 pages found in this category)

Brick tax

Tax on bricks introduced in Great Britain in 1784 to help pay for the American War of Independence.

Bubble Act 1720

An Act of the Parliament of Great Britain to prohibit the formation of new joint-stock companies unless approved by royal charter.

Burial Act 1852

Act of parliament to prohibit burials in the metropolis of London.

Burying in Woollens Acts

There were three Burying in Woollens Acts passed during the 17th century, to support the domestic woollen trade in the face of increasing competition from foreign imports

Capital Punishment Amendment Act 1868

Act of Parliament that put an end to public executions for murder in the United Kingdom.

Cat and Mouse Act 1913

Act of Parliament intended to deal with the public outcry resulting from the treatment of suffragettes who went on hunger strike while in prison.

Chiltern Hundreds

Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds is a procedural device allowing members of parliament to resign before a general election.

Coinage Act 1816

Act of the UK parliament adopting the gold standard, tying the value of the pound sterling to the value of gold.

Combination Acts

Acts of Parliament passed by the Tory government of William Pitt the Younger in response to its fear of unrest or revolution among the working classes. They banned workers from combining to form trade unions and prevented them from striking, calling for shorter hours or increased pay.

Commonwealth (Adultery) Act 1650

Act passed by the Rump Parliament in 1650 making fornication, adultery and incest secular offences.