Societies (1579 pages found in this category)

The Laird o’ Cockpen

Song by the Scottish songwriter Carolina Nairne, Baroness Nairne (1766–1845), which she contributed anonymously to The Scottish Minstrel, a six-volume collection of traditional Scottish songs published from 1821 to 1824.

The Lancashire Witches

Novel by William Harrison Ainsworth, first published in 1848. Based on the true story of the Pendle witches, it is the only one of his forty novels that has never been out of print.

The Land Ironclads

Short story by H. G. Wells published in 1903, anticipating the impact of the tank in trench warfare.

The Lord of the Dynamos

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1894. It concerns a stoker employed at the Camberwell electric railway workshops who becomes convinced that a large dynamo is a deity, and kills his superior in a religious frenzy.

The Lost Inheritance

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1896, about the lost will left by a rich uncle.

The Love Potion

Oil painting by the English artist Evelyn de Morgan, created in 1903.

The Magic Circle

Oil painting by John William Waterhouse, one of his earliest depictions of a classical sorceress.

The Magic Shop

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1903, about a young boy and his father's visit to a shop selling disturbingly realistic magical illusions.

The Man in the Moone

Book by the English divine and Church of England bishop Francis Godwin (1562–1633), describing a "voyage of utopian discovery".

The Man of the Year Million

Satirical essay by H. G. Wells first published in 1893, about the evolution of human beings into a form resembling a human foetus.