Whisky Galore (novel)

Novel by Compton Mackenzie based on the real-life 1941 sinking of a ship carrying a large quantity of whisky, and the local residents’ attempts to recover it and hide it from the authorities.

On the Choice of a Wife

Essay by H. G. Wells first published in 1895, offering advice to young men on choosing a wife.

The Screwtape Letters

1942 novel by C. S. Lewis, in the form of a series of letters between a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, who is tasked with securing the damnation of a British man known only as the patient.

C. S. Lewis bibliography

List of the works written by C. S. Lewis (1898–1963), best-known for his Chronicles of Narnia series of books.

The First Men in the Moon

Scientific romance by H. G. Wells first published in 1901, about two men who travel to the Moon using an anti-gravity substance known as cavorite.

Miss Winchelsea’s Heart

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1898, about a snobbish young woman’s rejection of a young man’s advances because of what she perceives to be his absurd surname, Snooks.

The Tower of London (novel)

Novel by the English author William Harrison Ainsworth, first published in 1840, centred on the events following the death of King Edward VI and the subsequent nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey as Queen of England.

Guy Fawkes (novel)

First of Ainsworth’s seven Lancashire novels, first published in serialised form in 1840 and then as a three-volume set in 1841, based in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.