Novels (14 pages found in this category)

The Man in the Moone

Book by the English divine and Church of England bishop Francis Godwin (1562–1633), describing a "voyage of utopian discovery".

The Monarch of the Glen (novel)

Comedy novel by Compton Mackenzie (1833–1972), portraying life in the fictional Scottish Highland estate of Glenbogle during the 1930s.

The Screwtape Letters

1942 novel by C. S. Lewis, in the form of a series of letters between a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, who is tasked with securing the damnation of a British man known only as the patient.

Whisky Galore (novel)

Novel by Compton Mackenzie based on the real-life 1941 sinking of a ship carrying a large quantity of whisky, and the local residents' attempts to recover it and hide it from the authorities.