Science & medicine (70 pages found in this category)


Modern successor to arithmomancy, embodying the belief that numbers can explain the workings of the universe and thus allow predictions to be made.

Odic Force

Fundamental force in nature claimed to have been discovered by Carl von Reichenbach in the mid-19th century, but now widely recognised as pseudoscience.


Technique that makes use of extracts derived from animal or human tissues to treat medical conditions.


Widely discredited theory of universal life energy developed by the Austrian psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957).


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Old measurement of land. eight oxgangs equals one carucate or ploughland. One oxgang is the area that could be ploughed by a team of eight oxen in one year.

Pedrail Wheel

Type of all-terrain wheel developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Bramah Joseph Diplock.

Perfect number

A perfect number is a positive integer the sum of whose proper divisors is equal to the number itself.


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Optical toy producing the illusion of moving images, popular during the Victorian era.