Science & medicine (70 pages found in this category)

Plague stones

Hollowed out stones or boulders containing vinegar to disinfect coins, usually placed at or near parish boundaries, relics of medieval plagues.


Redirected to oxgang.

Prime number

Any positive integer greater than zero that has only two proper divisors, 1 and the number itself. Thus the lowest prime number is 2, which is also the only even prime.

Proper divisor

Number that when divided into another number leaves no remainder.


Those who exhumed the bodies of the recently deceased during the 18th and 19th centuries to provide cadavers to anatomists for their research.

Roman numerals

System of using letters to represent numbers, an idea that was developed by the Phoenicians two thousand years before the founding of the city of Rome.

Sample size fallacy

Failure to consider sample size when estimating the probability of obtaining a particular value drawn from a known population.

Samuel Hibbert-Ware

English geologist and antiquarian.

Sarah Mapp

18th-century bone-setter, nicknamed Crazy Sally.

Scottish Big Cats

Redirected to Beast of Buchan