Computers (1575 pages found in this category)


Village in the City of Wakefield in West Yorkshire, noted for its ancient common and the number of "mansions" around it.

Heath Hall

Country mansion on Heath Common, near Wakefield in West Yorkshire

Heavy Woollen District

Area of West Yorkshire whose prosperity rested on the manufacture of shoddy and mungo, an early form of recycling.

Heber Hart

English judge and jurist (1865–1948) who specialised in commercial and banking law.

Helen Duncan

Last person to be imprisoned under the Witchcraft Act 1735, in 1944.

Hellish Nell

Redirected to Helen Duncan.

Henry Ernest Milner

English civil engineer and landscape architect

Henry Fuseli

Swiss-born British Romantic artist (1741–1825), who established a reputation for his paintings depicting the horrifying and fantastic.

Henry Garnet

English Jesuit priest executed for his complicity in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Henry Goodcole

Chaplain of Newgate Prison and author of criminal biographies, the most important of which is that of Elizabeth Sawyer.