Catherine Murphy (counterfeiter)
The last woman in England to have been sentenced to be burnt at the stake.
Bloody Code
The Bloody Code is a name given to the system of crimes and punishments in force in England during the 18th and early 19th centuries that resulted in the death penalty for offences that would today be considered minor.
Burning of women in England
Burning was a legal punishment imposed on women found guilty of high treason, petty treason or heresy. Over a period of several centuries, female convicts were publicly burnt at the stake, sometimes alive, for a range of activities including coining and mariticide.
De heretico comburendo
Law passed in 1401 during the reign of King Henry IV, allowing heretics to be burned alive.
Hanged, drawn and quartered
Statutory penalty in England from 1352 for men convicted of high treason, not repealed until 1870.
Catherine Hayes
Catherine Hayes née Hall (1690–1726), was the last woman in England to be executed by being burned alive.
Halifax Gibbet
Early guillotine, or decapitating machine, used in the town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. It was probably installed during the 16th century as an alternative to beheading by axe or sword.
Capital Punishment Amendment Act 1868
Act of Parliament that put an end to public executions for murder in the United Kingdom.