Drake’s Drum

Drum said to have belonged to Sir Francis Drake, which if beaten will summon him to the defence of England.

Sawney Bean

Legendary 16th-century Scottish cannibal.

Angels of Mons

Angels who were widely reported as having defended the British Expeditionary Force against overwhelming odds in the first major engagement of the First World War, the Battle of Mons, on Sunday 23 August 1914.

Wandering Jew

Jewish cobbler named Cartophilus, condemned by Jesus to roam the world without rest until the end of time, for taunting him on his way to the Crucifixion.


Ancient Celtic hag goddess who in her various guises shaped the land, controlled the forces of nature, and was responsible for the harsh nature of winter.

Greyfriars Bobby

Skye Terrier who supposedly spent fourteen years guarding the grave of his owner in 19th-century Edinburgh, until his own death on 14 January 1872.

Devil’s Knell

Custom associated with Dewsbury Minster in West Yorkshire, England.

Green children of Woolpit

Boy and girl of unusual skin colour who reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England some time in the 12th century, perhaps during the reign of King Stephen.