Associations & societies (10 pages found in this category)

Amenity society

Organisation tasked with monitoring the planning and development of listed structures.


Redirected to Bluestocking Circle.

Bluestocking Circle

Group formed around a number of wealthy and influential English women during the mid-18th century, to debate literature and the arts, and support female education and writing.

Early Closing Association

19th-century movement in support of the closure of shops on Saturday afternoons.

Lancashire and Cheshire Miners Permanent Relief Society

Form of friendly society started in 1872 to provide financial assistance to miners who were unable to work after being injured in industrial accidents in collieries on the Lancashire Coalfield.

Manchester Society for Women’s Suffrage

Society whose aim was to obtain the same rights for women to vote for Members of Parliament as those granted to men, formed at a meeting in Manchester in January 1867.

Records of the Past Exploration Society

Society established in 1900 in Washington D.C., with a particular interest in biblical archaeology.

Society for Psychical Research

Registered charity founded in 1882 to conduct scientific investigations into psychic and paranormal phenomena.

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

Society founded in London in 1826 to publish cheap and accessible works on scientific and artistic subjects.

The College of Psychic Studies

Educational charity founded in 1884, offering training in mediumship and various divinatory tools.