The Siren

Painting by John William Waterhouse


Circe is the title given to two oil on canvas sketches by the English artist John William Waterhouse; he worked on both during the final years of his career from 1911 to 1914.

Samuel Linley

Oboist, singer and junior naval officer. A member of the musically talented Linley family fathered by Thomas Linley, Samuel first performed on stage in 1766.

Jane Wenham

Last person to be condemned to death for witchcraft in an English court, when she was found guilty at Hertford in 1712.


Any kind of roasted and crushed cereal moistened by being mixed with water or milk.

Osculum infame

Ritual of a witch paying homage to the Devil by kissing his genitals, anus or feet.

Newes from Scotland

1591 pamphlet describing the North Berwick witch trials in Scotland, detailing the confessions given by the accused witches before the King.