The Hammerpond Park Burglary

Short story by H. G. Wells published in 1894, about a burglary that begins badly but is eventually successfully concluded.

Gwennap Pit

Amphitheatre in which John Wesley preached between 1762 and 1789, occupying a depression that was possibly formed by the subsidence of underground mine workings.

Shoddy and mungo

Manufacture of shoddy and mungo, an early form of recycling, was an important industry in the Heavy Woollen district of West Yorkshire.

Perran Foundry

Cornish foundry established in 1791 to supply steam-engine pumps and heavy machinery to mines, waterworks and ironworks.

In the Modern Vein

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1894, about a minor poet’s infatuation with a girl he meets at a tennis party.

Pollock and the Porroh Man

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1895, about a murdered witch-doctor whose severed head haunts the man responsible for his death.

A Catastrophe

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1895 about a struggling shopkeeper saved from bankruptcy by an unexpected legacy.