Small-Scale Experimental machine

World’s first electronic stored-program computer.

Smithills Hall

Smithills Hall in Bolton, Greater Manchester, is one of the oldest manor houses in the northwest of England, dating in parts from the 15th century.


Form of tenure under English feudal property law.


Find society article by category.

Society for Psychical Research

Registered charity founded in 1882 to conduct scientific investigations into psychic and paranormal phenomena.

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

Society founded in London in 1826 to publish cheap and accessible works on scientific and artistic subjects.

Solution cave

Redirected to Karst cave.


Imaginary kind of afterbirth in the form of an "evil-looking little animal" especially attributed to Dutch women.

Sortes Biblicae

Method of divination used by some Christians to foretell the future by interpreting randomly chosen texts from the Bible.