Short stories (1582 pages found in this category)

The Man in the Moone

Book by the English divine and Church of England bishop Francis Godwin (1562–1633), describing a "voyage of utopian discovery".

The Man of the Year Million

Satirical essay by H. G. Wells first published in 1893, about the evolution of human beings into a form resembling a human foetus.

The Man Who Could Work Miracles

Short story by H. G. Wells about a man who is granted the power to do anything merely by willing it to happen.

The Man with a Nose

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1894, about a man's reflections on his unsightly nose.

The Mezzotint

Horror story by M. R. James, first published in 1904, about an engraving that changes every time it is looked at.

The Misses Williams-Wynn

Redirected to Preparing for a Fancy Dress Ball.

The Monarch of the Glen (novel)

Comedy novel by Compton Mackenzie (1833–1972), portraying life in the fictional Scottish Highland estate of Glenbogle during the 1930s.

The Monthly Packet

Monthly magazine aimed at young women between 15 and 25, published from 1851 until 1899.

The Moth

Short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1895. It concerns a bitter rivalry between two entomologists, ending with the death of one and the insanity of the other.

The National Review

Right-wing British magazine founded in 1883.