Society (304 pages found in this category)

Magee Marshall & Company

Brewer which operated from the Crown Brewery in Bolton, Lancashire, England from 1888 until being taken over by Greenall Whitley in 1958.

Making of Bread, etc. Act 1800

The Making of Bread, etc. Act 1800 (41 Geo. III c. 16), also known as the Brown Bread Act or the Poison Act, was a British Act of Parliament that prohibited millers from producing any flour other than wholemeal flour.

Manchester Art Museum

Educational venture undertaken by the philanthropist Thomas Horsfall, inaugurated in 1877. It closed in 1953, and most of its collection is now in the possession of the Manchester Art Gallery.

Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857

Exhibition of fine art art held in Manchester in 1857, the largest art exhibition ever in the UK.

Manchester Bank

Redirected to Byrom, Allen, Sedgwick and Place.

Manchester Mummy

Mummified body of Hannah Beswick (1688–1758, a wealthy woman with a pathological fear of premature burial.

Manchester Museum

Largest university museum in the UK, founded in 1867.

Manchester Society for Women’s Suffrage

Society whose aim was to obtain the same rights for women to vote for Members of Parliament as those granted to men, formed at a meeting in Manchester in January 1867.

Manchester Tart

Variation on a Victorian recipe for Manchester pudding, first recorded by Mrs Beeton.

Manorial court

Lowest courts of law in England during the feudal period, their civil jurisdiction limited by subject matter and geography.